Monday 22 November 2021

help me pliz

Uploading: 105589 of 105589 bytes uploaded.
WALT  help others how need help.
what would do if someone is heart?

this activity wasn't that hard I just made this picketer / poster.
 and you know what it means when you see it

Thursday 11 November 2021

Saint Francis of Assisi facets

 Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi was born on the 3 October 1226

and Canonised: October 4 1226

Saint Francis of Assisi was a Catholic friar who gave up a life of wealth to live a life of poverty by assisting and giving to the poor.

Saint Francis of Assisi will only eat meat on various occasions.

Saint Francis of Assisi,is celebrated by the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi every October 4.

Saint Francis prayed that God would perform miracles through him. Once he washed a leper and prayed for a tormenting demon to leave his soul.Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in Roman Catholic history. including the Poor Clares and the lay Third Order.

my dock about this

Nacher by Sleep Ezy Tonight on Amazon Music - Amazon.comNacher Wallpapers 3d - Wallpaper Cave                                 

Thursday 4 November 2021

my maths


this is my maths look OK😃😃😃😃😃😃

Wednesday 3 November 2021

the ducks near death exploration day

 the ducks near death exploration day

have you went to an other country and what country you went to?

Friday 29 October 2021

thank you Duffy

    thank you Duffy for these books
the wizard of oz and pig the pug!
what is your favourite book series?

Tuesday 26 October 2021

The drums

 WALT:write a report on school events

 This is my point of view for when the African people came over to teach us the drums.
Wot instrument do you like the most

duck swarm

 WALT ad speech bubbles to our images

Wednesday 15 September 2021

 First Aid Help-It Fabric Plaster 7.2 X 1.9Cm 100 Box | Amare Safety NZtoday we did a task were Mr Gray gave us an injury's and gave us an plaster each but some of the injury's were a numb leg and they did not need treatment

Tuesday 7 September 2021

the giraffe

 The scared giraffe was holding onto the brown dead tree fore his life

ways to show respect


Monday 6 September 2021

cool destinations

 Hammer because my family have a hammer hose.

Sumner because it has cave rock and it is really cool.

Friday 3 September 2021

car travel

 miss Pownall's car travels 112 kms in a week

and Mr grays care travels 378 kms in a week


 Kaboom bang there was a big was the last prison on the enemy was dead baa the random sheep went

Tuesday 31 August 2021

my excursize

me mum and Ethan did excursize each letter is an excursize 

email to Harold

this is my email to Harold 

hi Harold I hope you made some good and tasty lock down loaf to have lunch

and how is Harold going? so see you in a bit 

Thursday 26 August 2021

Jesus picketer time line

 this is what I think the picketer timeline goes like hope i'm rite


 this is my hyperbole I would die without TV

do you like comment on how I feel today

Wednesday 25 August 2021

my quality blog post

 this is my quality blog post to Bryce

hi Bryce how are you that is relay good alliteration and riming

this reminds me of poetry and just to remind you you wrote i instead of I

Monday 23 August 2021

my jobs

hear is my link to my gobs


Thursday 19 August 2021

maths slide


This is my maths slide answer 8+9=17 
to see the answer it is in the box or on the number line.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Emma twig in n.b.c!

WALT write about Emma twigg

we had a grate olympist Emma twigg in the assembly so we started with the haka to start the assembly and then we did the national anthem and that was the first time she herd the national anthem since she was on the podium in Tokyo. then she ancored all room one's questions and told us her fitness routines and struggle in the Olympics's. Then in class we got to hold Emma's gold medal, It was heavy! and she is not shore of giving

who is your Favourite olimpyist

Monday 16 August 2021

what I am grateful for

 Oceanside Electrical - Home | FacebookI am Grateful ll

Oceanside Electrical - Home | FacebookhankThis Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod lets you murder Stormtroopers as Baby Yoda  | PC Gamerbaby Yodavillager news

I will give thanks to you, LORD,

 with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalms 9:1

Monday 2 August 2021



The title says it Jesus is king

Matthew was strengthening his knowing and faith of his believing Jewish friends

The sermon on the mount happen

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Emma Advances

Emma Advances - By Room 1

Emma Twigg, serial olympian, advanced to the semi finals with a convincing win in the Quarter finals last Sunday in tokyo.

This is Emma’s fourth olympics and her fourth time advancing to the Semi finals. In Rio she placed fourth by less than a second and she has returned reinvigorated by the culture in the NZ team and she says ‘it’s an honour wearing the Silver Fern’. She also has had expert coaching tips from her nephew who said she needs to train harder. After this advice she pushed herself to row over 26km daily which she told him from Tokyo.

She is a single sculler and has been a world champion in the last 10 years. When Emma lost in fourth place she kept going and in the next 3 Olympics she just gave up but then got back into it from the NZ inspiration of people. and she is doing super well and this is because of her scorcher This is a call that means NZ can win.

Emma twigg

wight hat


Thursday 1 July 2021


we had to only do three sheets of fractions it was cynd of easy 

music 70s and 60s

 this is what we did in our music slide thingy it took us a wile to do every thing hop you like it

Thursday 10 June 2021



WALT: understand the meaning of forgiveness 


Matthew 6:12 forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

Luke 6:35 but love your enemies,do good to them,and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great,and you will be children of the most high,because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Colossians 3:13 bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance someone.Forgive as the lord  has forgiven you.

Luke 6:37 Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn. You will not be condemned Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 

Mark 11:25 when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone,if you forgive them, so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins. 

Tuesday 1 June 2021


 Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew 

Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew 

Dang I missed again


 Received some orders 

To kill all of the jedi

 We won cose good ame

my robot blog

 WALT: Identify prior knowledge

these are my answers


K - What I know about robots

W - What I think I know about robots

L - What I want to learn about robots

Originally on the t.v

Some have google

Some are ones that just take pictures 

They are programmed

They might be able to defuse bombs and be very smart

Were there made from and how there made

Thursday 27 May 2021

slide revew

 my slides were a bit challenging I neadid some help and then got threw

Friday 21 May 2021

limerick poem

There once was a dog named Hank He was as heavy old rusty tank He did a big fart It blue the house apart And the remains of hank stank


Thursday 20 May 2021

day 3 maths


day 2

hears are my answers 

can you salve this question

2000 x 75=?

day one maths

WALT: Multiply tens, hundreds, thousands and other tens numbers hear are my answers


Thursday 13 May 2021

Monday 10 May 2021

Thursday 6 May 2021

Thursday 15 April 2021

the 60s music

 WALT:find cool 60´s songs 

this is my 60´music in the link below

60´s music

what 60´s music do you like?

 the minecraft zombie zombie adventure zombie this is a book about time travel and baby mode minecraft it is relay weard 

The Supermarket

 When we got outside me and Brody ran and ran to my car and when mum got to the car we drove to pack and save we got told to to open are topic book by Britney. There was two sheats there there was good and bad deary produces, good and bad bread, good and bad snacks and good and bad muscly bars. me and my team went to the good and bad deary produces we looked closely at the chock let milk it had a lot of shuger and then we looked at an other milk it was really good it had hardly eney shuger then we went to the bread then the muscly bars the snacks and finely the wet- bix it made me relay hungry wen we did all of the activity's so we came out of the shop and everyone else came out and then we went back to school the end

                              WALT: Identify good and bad food by looking at the back of the box or cartridge                                                

Thursday 1 April 2021

fort day


On our fort day we built the forts I was on montys soon they found out that we were taking the toys! We made a prison and, in the afternoon! my sheat was not very big. I swapped forts a lot. I finally stayed in one, it was the biggest fort in the class. when 

when We finished the fort I got on my chromebook. And played platformers I only got up to level 8 it is really! I just gave up and played mathugon arter for about 55 minutes. It was home time. We had 5 minutes to get drest in our school uniform then we went home, it was great.

the abandon Ireland

 There I was on a desert island. First of all I do not know how I got here well. The last thing I remember Is that I was on a boat and then I saw the emergency boats going and then all the sudden it was dark so dark and cold.

 He was stranded but one night there was a flash of beaming light. It was a u.f.o I got up in shock. Is it a dream?

 I thought I slapped myself. Nothing happened. The u.f.o landed on the same ireland three glowing alyons came out of the u.f.o they had radioactive technology. But they did not attack me,

 instead they talked to me. I think blubelhyomdjhfkeond is what they siad. Then they gave me a device and then they left me.

 I did not know what it did. But then I realised there that the device had a little button I pressed it suddenly and a screen opened up and a teckst uperd it said right where you want to go. I did not explore the hole of Ireland so I wrote 100 more steps in front of me and it teleported. Me in front of a tree clunk my head hit the tree I teleported back to my campsite I lit my camp fire. When it got dark I went to sleep. I woke up to a new morning and I picked some berries for breakfast. They were so good when I grabbed my traveling stick I walked into the lush  forest. 20 minutes later I cooked some fish on a campfire in the forest. They were delicious. It was turning dark and I needed to get home. I Pulled my teleporter out of my pocket and teleported back to camp and slept I slept really well the next day. I did the same and picked some berries and ate them. After I sore a cruise ship it was not far away I was saved. I waved my arms and jumped like crazy. The cruise ship saw me when I got on the boat and had some worm poached eggs I realized I could have just teleported home

The end.