Wednesday 28 July 2021

Emma Advances

Emma Advances - By Room 1

Emma Twigg, serial olympian, advanced to the semi finals with a convincing win in the Quarter finals last Sunday in tokyo.

This is Emma’s fourth olympics and her fourth time advancing to the Semi finals. In Rio she placed fourth by less than a second and she has returned reinvigorated by the culture in the NZ team and she says ‘it’s an honour wearing the Silver Fern’. She also has had expert coaching tips from her nephew who said she needs to train harder. After this advice she pushed herself to row over 26km daily which she told him from Tokyo.

She is a single sculler and has been a world champion in the last 10 years. When Emma lost in fourth place she kept going and in the next 3 Olympics she just gave up but then got back into it from the NZ inspiration of people. and she is doing super well and this is because of her scorcher This is a call that means NZ can win.

Emma twigg


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Liam its me ben I like how you write how many time she was in the olympics. I hope Emma wins. maybe you could work on writing more stuff what is your favourite olympic sport?


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