Thursday 15 April 2021

The Supermarket

 When we got outside me and Brody ran and ran to my car and when mum got to the car we drove to pack and save we got told to to open are topic book by Britney. There was two sheats there there was good and bad deary produces, good and bad bread, good and bad snacks and good and bad muscly bars. me and my team went to the good and bad deary produces we looked closely at the chock let milk it had a lot of shuger and then we looked at an other milk it was really good it had hardly eney shuger then we went to the bread then the muscly bars the snacks and finely the wet- bix it made me relay hungry wen we did all of the activity's so we came out of the shop and everyone else came out and then we went back to school the end

                              WALT: Identify good and bad food by looking at the back of the box or cartridge                                                

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