Friday 11 December 2020

My Duffy Book - Minecraft.

 This is my Duffy book called Zombie`s Excellent Adventure I am very thankful for being given this book. 

Minecraft has gone through a manger update Steve made a new portal.

Some things might disappear...but now half the Over World is gone.

They now have to go back in time to the previous update to save Minecraft. I am looking forward to reading this book.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

cool panting


this is my swirly panting I coped 
I hope you like it

Monday 7 December 2020

A drawing about giving feedback


During Cybersmart lessons we have bean learning about the three main reasons why we do blog posts.
1.To celebrate leaning
2.To teach others
3. To get feedback

Thursday 3 December 2020

The Black Bumblebee


WALT: write a limerick poem. Line 1,2 and 5 rhyme. Line 3 and 4 rhyme

There once was a black bumblebee,

Who flew and got stuck in a tree.

The bee screamed for help,

Then he started to yelp,

But the other bees smiled with glee.

Thursday 26 November 2020

My First Haiku Poem

WALT: write a Haiku poem, it is a poem based on syllables and follows a pattern of 5-7-5

I have a small dog.

My dog Hank farts crazily!

Hank's kind of lazy.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

 WALT: write an accurate description of two animals merged into 1.

The first half of my animal it walks on land but goes in lakes to swim. It is the fastest land animal can reach incredible speeds of up to 112 km/h to catch prey. It has black spots on its body and light brown fur.

The second half of my animal has webbed feet. It has a waffle-like tail that is orange. This animal has a duck like bill and it lives in Australia it digs up stones in the dirt. It will protect itself by using the curved poisonous ankle Barbs on its two front feet. it scoops up shellfish with its bill and has two thumbs. 

Thursday 19 November 2020

polar bear information report

 The polar bear camouflage with their snow white fur. 
The polar bear is the largest land carnivore to live on land in our days.

The polar bears live in the Arctic. The Antarctic is on the other side of world so they don't live there. Polar bears live with their cubs. Other than that, they live on their own.

Polar bears eat seals but because of climate change the ice is melting which means it is harder for them to find food. They are being forced to hunt Whales as big as themselves.

Polar bears are normally chilled (no pun intended) but if they feel threatened they will attack you. They often communicate with their noses and have claws that are 12-inches long.
The bears can grow up to eight feet tall.

I chose to do Polar Bears because because it is adapting to the climate change.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

The Careful Crocodile

We are learning to present books on Screencastify. This is my first Screencastify book, I hope you like it.

I chose to do this book because it is in the time of the Dinosaurs.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

On the 6 of November we got on the bus at 9:00. I sat with Monty. We played yellow car I was blue and Monty was red. When we got to Margaret Mahy Monty had 11 and I had 9. Monty won the game. We then had morning tea on a hill and when we finished our morning tea we could go on the playground at Margaret Mahy. I went on the Spiral slide first. When I got to the top I went down down but every turn I spun around and hit my head on the walls. It was dark too. Then I ran over to the enormous silver slide. The third time I slid down the slide I got flung off the slide and slid on my back, ouch! It hurt! Then I did something called best buds. Me, Monty and Angus.R put our arms around each other and slid down the slide laughing. We did it again and again. Finally, we walked to the library. We made a native bird out of Lego then me and Angus.R  built hoverboards for 20 minutes. Then it was time to go to the museum. We did not go right away. We had lunch next to a tree that looked like a giant bush. I saw my mum there and gave her a big cuddle. I sat down and had lunch. When I finished my lunch mum checked it so I could go and play with Ben. We played for about 25 minutes and saw a moreporke. Then we went to the museum. We met our helper. He got us to sit down and he showed us a game called Mu Torere. There are 8 points and one more in the centre a piece can only go in the middle if they are beside an opponents piece. You need to make a triangle with your pieces. When we finished that we went to a room that wasn´t open to the public but we were allowed to go in. There were heaps of games such as pick up sticks, checkers, snakes and ladders. Jacob, mum and I played pick up sticks for the whole time. When we had to go I was not annoyed cause I had a great time. We got our bags and went back to school to get our Chromebooks and do our clean up. After that we all went home.

Friday 23 October 2020

A Moment in Time at the pool

 WALT use punctuation correctly and write in first person 

When I arrived at QEii it didn't take long at all. It only took a tiny 2 minutes. I am packed and ready I got

 dressed in the tiny changing room. Then I jogged over to the pool. I was about to dive into the pool but I

 remembered that I'm not allowed to so I carefully got into the pool. The hydroslide was full so I played

 penguin and orca. Me and Ethan were the penguins and dad was the orca he had to catch us but we could 

go on land. That was are safe spot. After 45 minutes of paling penguin and orca we went into the changing rooms and we got dressed and dried to go home. After 5 minutes we were done and drove home.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

pizza question

This is my maths question answer in the comment section below

There are 4 friends and they have 20 pizzas how many pizzas do they get each when they split them evenly?

Tuesday 22 September 2020

A day in the life of a leopard

We have been lining to write in first person.

I  woke up just as the sun  was rising  I groomed my light coloured fur with white spots. I climbed down my tree and walked  around looking for food. Then after 10 minutes I found some Antelope. I crouched down as soon as I could. I stalked the Antelope in the long grass. I got closer and closer then it was the right time it pounce . I sprinted as fast as I could 58 km/h I pounced on one then I used my strong jaws to drag my food up into my tree so no one else can eat it . I feast alone, when I have finished I rest on my branch.

Friday 18 September 2020

Math Trails


This is my maths trail how did you get to 34? I hope you like it.


Wednesday 16 September 2020

maths question

 Ben wants to by 20 hot dogs and each hot dog is worth 2 dollars how many 2 dollars does Ben need to pay? Put your answer in the comments

Skeleton Blog Comic

We have been learning to write positive comments on someones blog by making a comic, here is my comic.

Friday 11 September 2020

Duffy Day at NBC

I am Dog man. I chose dog man because Ethan is Captain Underpants!! I like Dave Pilky who wrote the Dog Man book. I am excited because I might get best dressed and it is very fun dressing up.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Vader vs Larry

 I am Lary the storm trooper I can hardly see through this helmet. I am not smart at all. And I am very weak. I can't even lift a chair, I wear cloudy wight plastoid armour and a night black vises. I can't believe it,  Darth Vader left me in charge of a squad of storm troopers because Bob, Dave and Gary are on a mission.

But I don't know what to do so I shoot randomly and it hits someone. Darth Vader fired me and when I mean fired me, I mean he is hunting me down. I hid in the toilet but Vader found me. Next, I hid in the pantry. Vader found me and I was then found under the table. I was so annoyed I did not want to be running anymore.

I am so dumb I accidentally shot Vader. I can't believe it. Darth Vader is now dead. I am scared that when Bob, Dave and Gary come back they will be killed but on the bright side I am not being chased 

anymore. Bob Dave and Gary came back. They are not happy with me. I ran into a rebellion ship. I did not realise it was a rebellion ship. Then suddenly the ship started up and flew me to the rebellion now I am in the rebellion now they called me Dat Mamon now.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

maths question

there are 25 dollars coins and Joe shared them evenly with 5 other friends how many piles of  cons are there how meany dollars did each friend get?

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Cybersmart Public vs Private


We have bean learning lots of things in cyber safety. One this is what information we should keep public and private. This will help us so we can`t be hacked on our Chromebooks like not sheering our birth date.   

Monday 31 August 2020

Thursday 20 August 2020

my maths question

Can you answer my question? Write your answer in the comments below.

Liam had 10 Ben's, each Ben had 6 arms how many arms are there altogether?


Thursday 30 July 2020

Liam Argument about long weekends

I strongly believe that Fridays should be weekends. Your teachers can get a longer break from teaching. The kids could go to Hanmer or your Nanas as an example and have a longer and funner time . You can spend more time with your family and play more with them.

Firstly teachers can get a better break from teaching kids and they can relax on the couch and also spend time with their family.

Secondly the kids could go somewhere like Hanmer or to your Nanas and have a lot funner time away.

Finally you can spend more Quality time with your family and play more with your family.

In conclusion teachers get better breaks. Kids can go somewhere for a longer time and also they can get more Quality time with their parents and it is freedom Friday man!!!!

Friday 24 July 2020

I strongly believe kids should be able to play video games because you can talk to your friends overseas. Not all video games are violent. It can give my parents a break from me and Ethan so they can lie down. 

Firstly, you can talk to your friends overseas  because Soma is in Hungary and I can catch up with him and it keeps us together. 

Secondly, not all video games for kids are violent. Some games have age restrictions to keep you safe. There is a game called All Stars. It is wrestling and punching in faces and k.os. But no blood shed is fine, it is 7 and over.

Finally, kids should play video games that are fun to play and not violent. Examples of these games are Minecraft and Star Wars Battlefront. My favourite game is Minecraft because it is a survival game so you know how to survive in the woods. Parents can put age restrictions on video games to twelve+ on your I-pad so it is safer for you.

In conclusion, I believe that kids should be able to play video games  more often because you can talk to people overseas. You can give your parents a break. And you can buy video games that are not as violent as others. I think that kids should not do chores for video games. 

Friday 19 June 2020

Shrek Character Description

WALT: Write a character description   

Shrek is a massive green ogre that wants to be alone.
He loves mud baths and scaring people.

He is as green as a lime.

His ears are like  pots.

Shrek has layers like an onion.

He roars like a dinosaur.

He feels like a big bolder.

Shrek is as tough as a brick wall.

Shrek behaves like a grumpy kid.

I like Shrek because he is nice and kind inside.
I don´t like Shrek because he is mean to Donkey.

Friday 5 June 2020

Friday quick wright

Once upon a time there once was a fuzzy and his name was Liam. Liam looks like a yellow fuzz ball. He lives in a village with other fuzzy´s and he has a dog named Hank. Hank is his pet.
Liam has a power and it is shape sifting into a massive cruzzy and be stronger.
There was a wuzzy invasion. Liam was going into battle. It was a massive battle. Liam was feeling like we would loose the battle. We were loosing but I had an idea. I called the fuzzy bombers to make the wuzzys go boom! So they did. Yay! The end.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Spongebob Discription


W.A.L.T : Write a character description using similes.

1. His eyes are as blue as the sky.
2. His t-shirt is like the white clouds.
3. His body is as yellow as the blazing sun.
4. His legs are like matchsticks.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Leaf art

this is my Leaf art I hope you Like it

Monday 11 May 2020

The difference between Tigers and Lions

Tigers are the biggest cat. Tigers are mammals which means they are warm blooded and they are carnivores to and they feed their baby milk.
Lions have the manes and they are warm blooded so they are mammals and they are carnivores to.           Lions and Tigers are very similar Tigers are mainly found in Asia Lions are found in Africa.
Tigers have black stripes on their orange and wight fur but Lions have golden tan
so they do have some differences.
 I hope you liked

Tiger | Species | WWFLion - Wikipedia

                                     Tiger                                                           Lion

Thursday 7 May 2020

this is my name bug mums name bug and Ruby's to that I  made I hope you like it.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

RE - my mum






akes me happy

U  nderstands my feelings

akes me encouraged

my frog game

Today I made a origami frog and made a game with my frog 
it is called frog jumps.

you get 5 goes each and then add up your scores
if you land on a skip a turn circle you get 0 points for that turn

Monday 4 May 2020

Frog origami

Miss Hamilton - can you let me know if this video works as its my first time posting a video, thank you

Friday 1 May 2020

Verbal instruction game

Today I played the verbal instruction game with mum

these are our pictures
the first picture I drew and gave instructions to mum
the second picture mum drew and gave instructions to me

i think they turned our well

Friday 24 April 2020

ANZAC facts

Today I wrote 10 facts about ANZAC day.
I also put a picture of a poppy on our fence with Ethan and Ruby
This afternoon we are going to make ANZAC biscuits and eat them. 

Thursday 23 April 2020

How to make a poppy

Instructions and pictures on how to make a poppy.

1. cut a egg carton base and round off the edges to make it look like petals 
2. paint it white so when we paint the red it is brighter
3. let it dry
4. paint it red
5. let the red dry
6. get a black pompom and some glue
7. glue the pompom in the middle
8. glue the pin on the bottom
9. let the glue dry
10. pin it on your shirt and wear with love

Lockdown activities

my lockdown pictures 


this is the car from the 30 day Lego challenge 
it took me 35 minutes. 

this is the tree house from the 30 day Lego challenge  

it took me 57 minutes

this is the birthday cards for Nana and Grandad
they both turned 75 on Easter weekend

this is us camping in side, we went to bed 
at 10:30pm