Tuesday 22 September 2020

A day in the life of a leopard

We have been lining to write in first person.

I  woke up just as the sun  was rising  I groomed my light coloured fur with white spots. I climbed down my tree and walked  around looking for food. Then after 10 minutes I found some Antelope. I crouched down as soon as I could. I stalked the Antelope in the long grass. I got closer and closer then it was the right time it pounce . I sprinted as fast as I could 58 km/h I pounced on one then I used my strong jaws to drag my food up into my tree so no one else can eat it . I feast alone, when I have finished I rest on my branch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liam that was an awesome blog post. My favourite part was how you described that leopards eat alone. What is your favourite part about leopards?


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