Thursday 19 November 2020

polar bear information report

 The polar bear camouflage with their snow white fur. 
The polar bear is the largest land carnivore to live on land in our days.

The polar bears live in the Arctic. The Antarctic is on the other side of world so they don't live there. Polar bears live with their cubs. Other than that, they live on their own.

Polar bears eat seals but because of climate change the ice is melting which means it is harder for them to find food. They are being forced to hunt Whales as big as themselves.

Polar bears are normally chilled (no pun intended) but if they feel threatened they will attack you. They often communicate with their noses and have claws that are 12-inches long.
The bears can grow up to eight feet tall.

I chose to do Polar Bears because because it is adapting to the climate change.

1 comment:

  1. awesome blog post liam. I never knew that polar bears were going through this


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