Friday 5 June 2020

Friday quick wright

Once upon a time there once was a fuzzy and his name was Liam. Liam looks like a yellow fuzz ball. He lives in a village with other fuzzy´s and he has a dog named Hank. Hank is his pet.
Liam has a power and it is shape sifting into a massive cruzzy and be stronger.
There was a wuzzy invasion. Liam was going into battle. It was a massive battle. Liam was feeling like we would loose the battle. We were loosing but I had an idea. I called the fuzzy bombers to make the wuzzys go boom! So they did. Yay! The end.


  1. Liam, I really like your Spongebob blog because it has good punctuation.

  2. thank you Matias


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