Tuesday 31 August 2021

my excursize

me mum and Ethan did excursize each letter is an excursize 

email to Harold

this is my email to Harold 

hi Harold I hope you made some good and tasty lock down loaf to have lunch

and how is Harold going? so see you in a bit 

Thursday 26 August 2021

Jesus picketer time line

 this is what I think the picketer timeline goes like hope i'm rite


 this is my hyperbole I would die without TV

do you like comment on how I feel today

Wednesday 25 August 2021

my quality blog post

 this is my quality blog post to Bryce

hi Bryce how are you that is relay good alliteration and riming

this reminds me of poetry and just to remind you you wrote i instead of I

Monday 23 August 2021

my jobs

hear is my link to my gobs


Thursday 19 August 2021

maths slide


This is my maths slide answer 8+9=17 
to see the answer it is in the box or on the number line.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Emma twig in n.b.c!

WALT write about Emma twigg

we had a grate olympist Emma twigg in the assembly so we started with the haka to start the assembly and then we did the national anthem and that was the first time she herd the national anthem since she was on the podium in Tokyo. then she ancored all room one's questions and told us her fitness routines and struggle in the Olympics's. Then in class we got to hold Emma's gold medal, It was heavy! and she is not shore of giving

who is your Favourite olimpyist

Monday 16 August 2021

what I am grateful for

 Oceanside Electrical - Home | FacebookI am Grateful for...my dadupload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/23/SW...battlefront ll

Oceanside Electrical - Home | FacebookhankThis Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod lets you murder Stormtroopers as Baby Yoda  | PC Gamerbaby Yodavillager news

I will give thanks to you, LORD,

 with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalms 9:1

Monday 2 August 2021



The title says it Jesus is king

Matthew was strengthening his knowing and faith of his believing Jewish friends

The sermon on the mount happen