Friday 23 October 2020

A Moment in Time at the pool

 WALT use punctuation correctly and write in first person 

When I arrived at QEii it didn't take long at all. It only took a tiny 2 minutes. I am packed and ready I got

 dressed in the tiny changing room. Then I jogged over to the pool. I was about to dive into the pool but I

 remembered that I'm not allowed to so I carefully got into the pool. The hydroslide was full so I played

 penguin and orca. Me and Ethan were the penguins and dad was the orca he had to catch us but we could 

go on land. That was are safe spot. After 45 minutes of paling penguin and orca we went into the changing rooms and we got dressed and dried to go home. After 5 minutes we were done and drove home.