Tuesday 26 May 2020

Spongebob Discription


W.A.L.T : Write a character description using similes.

1. His eyes are as blue as the sky.
2. His t-shirt is like the white clouds.
3. His body is as yellow as the blazing sun.
4. His legs are like matchsticks.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Leaf art

this is my Leaf art I hope you Like it

Monday 11 May 2020

The difference between Tigers and Lions

Tigers are the biggest cat. Tigers are mammals which means they are warm blooded and they are carnivores to and they feed their baby milk.
Lions have the manes and they are warm blooded so they are mammals and they are carnivores to.           Lions and Tigers are very similar Tigers are mainly found in Asia Lions are found in Africa.
Tigers have black stripes on their orange and wight fur but Lions have golden tan
so they do have some differences.
 I hope you liked

Tiger | Species | WWFLion - Wikipedia

                                     Tiger                                                           Lion

Thursday 7 May 2020

this is my name bug mums name bug and Ruby's to that I  made I hope you like it.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

RE - my mum






akes me happy

U  nderstands my feelings

akes me encouraged

my frog game

Today I made a origami frog and made a game with my frog 
it is called frog jumps.

you get 5 goes each and then add up your scores
if you land on a skip a turn circle you get 0 points for that turn

Monday 4 May 2020

Frog origami

Miss Hamilton - can you let me know if this video works as its my first time posting a video, thank you

Friday 1 May 2020

Verbal instruction game

Today I played the verbal instruction game with mum

these are our pictures
the first picture I drew and gave instructions to mum
the second picture mum drew and gave instructions to me

i think they turned our well